Eye Brow Bladding

How it works: The process is "semi-permanent", and is compared to the traditional hair stroke techniques. Microblading uses a very fine, thin blade and deposits pigments into the epidermis. Impacting color closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. 

Microblading method is truly ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look and shape of their eyebrows. The results are natural looking, hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of hair present. Those that suffer from alopecia, trichotillomania or any other condition that may cause hair loss benefit greatly from Microblading, as well as people who simply are not happy with the shape of their eyebrows.

Microblading Service: $375

Two-hour session includes consultation, applying numbing cream, draw out eyebrows, and performing service. Touch up fee is not included. Set up a revisit in about 8 weeks.  A $50 dollar prepayment will be required to book. The remaining balance of the service will be due at the time of checkout.

Microblading Touch up: $100

Revisit in about 8 weeks for touch-up treatment. Please allow one to two hours for a quick consultation, applying numbing cream and drawing of eyebrows and adjustments. A $50 dollar prepayment will be required to book. The remaining balance of the service will be due at the time of checkout.

Existing Brow Clients only 

Corrective Work/Cover Ups price will vary depending on how much work needs to be done, will be added on to service. 

Please note I am not able to work on anyone that has had tattooing  done on their eyebrows. Unless it is 80-90% faded please send me a picture first. 


Results are extremely dependant on how one heals and will vary with each individual client. Successful results are not guaranteed (especially on those with problematic skin) and additional sessions, at a minimum charge, may be required to obtain desired results.  Although I use premium products and provide quality services, every client heals differently and many factors can lead to varied results.  I do not guarantee perfect proportions or symmetry as some bone structures and muscle movements do not call for it. The final shape is completely your decision, and tattooing will not start until you decide on the final shape. Please read though my entire FAQ section carefully to see if this procedure will be beneficial to you. All services provided are non-refundable.

About Microblading

Microblading is a helpful option for a variety of people whether they are looking for an enhancement and don’t have time to do make-up every morning or for those who have suffered from hair loss. It is also a great alternative for anyone looking to simplify their beauty routine, whether that’s getting out of bed and spending less time in front of the mirror, going to the gym, in a profession that dictates being in front of the camera or on stage frequently, or even going swimming without having to worry about their makeup coming off. Permanent makeup is also a great option for people who have loss of vision or loss of motor skills due to aging or medical conditions.

Does it Hurt

You will be numbed with our top of the line numbing cream which will ease about 80% of the discomfort. Once we start the actual procedure, I will numb you again to make sure sensitivity is reduced as much as possible. A lot of clients describe the experience similar to intensified tweezing or threading, while some fall asleep during the procedure.

How long does it last?

Microblading will last anywhere from 1-3 years. However, skin type, lifestyle and maintenance all take in part of the duration. I recommend my clients to come back yearly for a color boost to freshen up the area and the color and keep it looking good as new.

What should I expect after my procedure?

After the procedure, the area of service will appear brighter or darker than what it is intended to look like. Some redness may show depending on each client, however, this will reduce in a few hours.

Around day 5-7 you may notice that some areas may appear very light or even to have lost pigment entirely after they have peeled, the epidermis will be thicker causing muting, hiding or diffusing of pigment underneath. the epidermis will normalize over the next 4-6 weeks and softened pigment should appear more clearly on surface of the skin.

At 4-6 weeks your brows will be fully healed. whatever pigment that does not return will be addressed at your touch up appointment or if you’d prefer darker, bolder brows we can always add more color or dimension during that appointment!

What will my Home Care be?

  • Wash morning and night for 7 days with gentle cleanser! Wash within 4 hours of getting brows done. (Make sure to wash outside shower. Look in the mirror while washing so you can make sure to be extra gentle. Only wipe gently in the direction of hair growth, no circles or hard rubbing. wash with warm or cool water, and pat dry with clean paper towel)..

  • Keep dry (besides washing) until completely healed. AKA no scabbing or flaking left! Usually 10 days.

  • Clients still need to keep dry in the shower… steamy hot showers will cause the pores to open and scabs soften, so to be cautious, no extra steamy hot showers!! Avoid the water especially shampoo and conditioner running down… That’ll cause discoloration!

  • No excessive sweating

  • No sauna, hot tub, pool, ocean, etc.

  • Do not pick, rub, or scratch scabs! Avoid sleeping on face.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 2 weeks

  • No anti-aging or acne products on them ever, will cause fading very quickly. this is anything with chemical exfolliants such as retinol, glycolic acid, salisylic acid, etc.

  • Balm 3 times daily with Q-tip! If client is oily, 2 times daily will suffice. Use the balm until it’s gone, usually takes about 10 days or more!

You Cannot Receive Semi Permanant Cosmetics If You Are:

  • Pregnant/breastfeeding

  • Currently using accutane or have used accutane within the past year

  • Have a freshly tanned/sunburned face (you have to wait 10 days after tanning)

  • Are on blood thinning medications

  • Have rosacea near eyebrow area

  • Are currently undergoing cancer treatment

  • Must be off chemo or radiation for 3 months

How Should I Prepare for my Appointment?

  • If you have reference pictures, please feel free to bring these to your appointment. Along with the pencil or powder you are currently using.

  • If you tint your brows you will want to do so 72 hours before your appointment.

  • You must not use retin-a near the brow area 2 weeks before or after the procedure.

  • You will need to avoid water for 7 -10 days after! this includes excessive sweating, pools, lakes, salt water, and extreme sun exposure, so plan your vacations accordingly!

  • No Botox, fillers, microdermabrasion, chemical peels or anything of the like for at least 2 weeks prior to your procedure, and also two weeks after.

Avoid Doing Any Of These Before Your Procedure!

Doing any of the following will cause excessive bleeding during your procedure and will hinder your final result!! do not work out the day of your appointment.

  • Do not work out the day of your appointment.

  • You should not take any medications that may thin your blood (i.e. aspirin, ibuprofen) 72 hours before or immediately after your procedure.

  • Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours of your procedure.

  • Avoid caffeine for 12 hours before your procedure. (caffeine increases blood flow and will affect your healed results).

Do I Need A Touch-Up/Follow-Up Appointment?

Yes! All permanent cosmetic procedures require 2 sessions. During your 8 weeks follow-up we can assess your pigment retention and make any adjustments needed. This follow-up also increases the longevity of your semi-permanent cosmetics.

How long does the procedure take?

Initial appointments take approximately 2 hours. This includes the designing process, numbing the area, and semi-permanent cosmetics procedure. follow-up sessions take approximately 1-2 hour.

I’ve Had My Brows Done Previously By A Different Artist, Will You Fix Them/Touch Them Up?

I require that anyone who has had their brows tattooed previously by another artist text me a picture before booking an appointment. This way we can discuss price, your options and schedule sufficient time. Any client coming to me from a different artist is considered a new client, with full prices.

How Can I Book An Appointment?

Please contact me through the “Book Appointment” option on my website at www.skinwithin.org. A $50 deposit is required to hold your appointment

What Is Your Cancellation Policy?

I require 48 hours’ notice to make any changes to your appointment.

Any cancellations after that will result in a loss of your $50 deposit, and you will be charged 20% of your appointment (Due before you can reschedule).

No-shows will result in a loss of your $50 deposit and will be charged 50% off the appointment (Due before you may reschedule).

Prior To First Appointment    

  • Must be 18 years of age and not Pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Bring in 1 or 2 pictures of brows you are wanting.

  • Fill in your brows as you would day-to-day so I have an idea of color and shape you prefer.

  • Avoid eyebrow waxing, threading or tinting at least 3-5 days prior to your service.

  • Try to avoid any medications that would thin your blood such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Vitamin E and Omegas. If on certain prescriptions, I suggest waiting 3-6 months to schedule a service.

  • No alcohol consumption the day before/of your service.

  • I recommend scheduling any vacations where you will be in the sun 2 weeks post your service to decrease unwanted fading at an early stage.

All clients are required to be 18+ years of age, with or without parents’ consent.